You will notice the tiny bits of sand that remain in the paint. This will be coated over multiple times.
The exterior deck paint went on very well and does have a high gloss that will be easy for cleanup, washing, and has great UV protection apparently. These pics are after the first coat of yellow and white and show great promise! The lines are sloppy because I was just trying o get it on there for a good base coat.
2-3 more coats to go!
To make the yellow area non-stick, Steve and I tried to sprinkle sand on the wet yellow paint. This absolutely didn't adhere well and the places it did, the sand grains were way to rough. I had to sand off the sand:( The next attempt we will mix the sand right in with the paint and roll it on.
The interior polyurethane went on like a charm and is quite a bit blue-er than expected. The tint purchased was hardly noticeable but when it dried it's good old Carolina blue. Looks great though. I managed to get two coats on over two days and will offer a third to a few 'high traffic' areas in the boat.
In the picture you can notice I am finding a placement for the removable table leg of the removable table I built. That table is going to be La-Gitimate1
Yea, those are pretty bad pics. I will get some better ones up after the second coat.