Removing the rub rail for bolt tightening and cleaning. There were colonies of ants under the rail. Nasty little things.
When I painted the interior light blue, some of the paint actually squeezed out onto the hull where the rail was not tight. This prompted the immediate extraction of the rubber. Terri cleaned it up like a champion.
The Non-Slip additive "Refined Silica" is just fine grain sand?
I want to shake the guy's hand who thought of picking up sand, putting it in a can, and selling it as hardware stores across the world. That is a wise man.
So obviously I am working on the non-slip surfaces of the deck. After a failed try to sprinkle sand on the still wet paint on the deck trying to get it to stick, I will mix the sand in with the paint and roll it on. I will follow with two more coats of paint. [In the pics, the sand had not been added.]
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