You may be able to see the great, light light blue that I schemed for the interior polyurethane. We are in the Carolinas so it seemed appropriate and better than bland white or retro cream.
After another application of headlight restorer I began the reassembly of the windows. The seals, although shrunken about 2%, were in decent shape and popped right on.
After sanding the pitted hull, there was a layer of yellow on every car in the neighborhood. I thought I was a dead man until I realized it was just the rediculous amount of pollen/allergens flying around. Notice the layer on the tarp.
The ever amazing west system epoxy with slow hardener went on beautifully yet got covered with pollen. About 99% of it wiped off and thank goodness for that.
Working on the interior shelf/table mounting unit was a blast. The great reddish color is great with a few layers of spar varnish on top. I used wood glue and screws to hold it together. The table top I cut out of oak and have begun varnishing it's pants off. The oak table slides in to the shelf near the top. It should be pretty legit.
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The aluminum cleaner I got worked like a charm after SECOND go around. The difference is exquisite.